Investment Sweep Accounts
How the investment sweep service benefits your business
With our Automated Investment Sweep service, you can transform idle balances into hardworking investments and make the most of your organization’s funds. Because all the transactions are done automatically, you will not have to commit your time and expertise to calculating your investment amount or performing nightly transactions. Your unused balances can earn money market rates every night, without having to keep those funds in an inaccessible money market account all the time. Investments are liquid – excess cash is swept out to be invested when available and back in the next business day to cover payment obligations.
How the investment sweep service works
You select the Investment category which best meets your organization’s strategy. We then work with you to establish a “target balance” for your checking account. When the end-of-day balance in the account exceeds the target, the excess collected funds will be automatically transferred to your selected Investment option. Funds are automatically transferred from your Investment to your checking account to meet your payment obligations. Funds are swept at the end of each business day, leaving them fully available for your use during the day. Investment Sweep transactions are reported on your checking and Investment account monthly statements and viewable via Online Banking. If you have a Line of Credit that is not fully paid, you have the option to use the automated Loan Sweep service to move excess balances in your Investments to the Line of Credit.
Investment Sweep Product and Services offered through Fidelity Investments Institutional Services Company, Inc. (FIIS) are:
(1) NOT insured by the FDIC or any federal or state governmental agency
(2) are NOT deposits or other obligations of, or guaranteed by, Zions Bancorporation or its affiliates
(3) and MAY be subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of principal value or amount invested